Review: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Tom King
Art: Bilquis Evely
Colors: Matheus Lopes
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
It’s a recap of Supergirl’s origin as she races for safety from another Mordru Globe. Only the fleet hooves of Comet the Super-Horse can save her!
Once again, King, Evely, Lopes, and Cowles produce another tear-jerker of an issue, and like issue #3 it has the power to be a “year’s end best.” The greatest strength of King’s writing is the intimacy he can bring to a character or relationships between characters. Even if you don’t like the way a series ends, the journey is often stupendous.
The recounting of Supergirl’s origin in this issue is probably the most personal version I’ve read. King explores all the emotions that Kara goes through as she watches her planet, her mother, and her asteroid fragment die. It’s all about the character and the emotions and the relationships. I don’t think it’s possible to read this issue and not love Supergirl. Even if you didn’t get it coming in, this issue gives the reader a deeper understanding of what makes the Girl of Steel tick.
Including all the traditional elements of her origin and Comet, the Super-Horse are perfect. There have been many retellings and revisions to Supergirl’s origin in recent years, but this one has the Silver Age nostalgia while also being a story that has all the earmarks of modern comic book storytelling. Furthermore, there’s a dichotomy between script and images that is very effective- the images don’t always link directly to the words, but perhaps there is a subtle thematic connection or nothing at all as words and pictures follow separate plotlines.
Positives Cont’d
Don’t tell Matheus Lopes about the inky blackness of outer space, because his representation of the cosmos is anything but. It’s quite simply beautiful as his color choices echo the emotions of the story and provide the setting with something that feels truly grand and unique and alien. Imagine seeing in different frequencies and the Aurora Borealis as the sky outside your window. It’s as inspiring as it sounds.
There is a tenderness in Evely’s lines that fit this particular story. In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6, we get to see her vulnerability laid bare in the same manner we’ve experienced Ruthye’s since issue #1. They’re both kindred spirit’s now, with Kara no longer simply the Maid of Might, but in some ways a vulnerable little girl just like Ruthye. Evely makes us believe both sides of Kara’s coin with a beautiful and tender line that can reveal Kara’s strength as well as her vulnerability.
It’s not often a variant cover gets special mention, but Steve Rude’s contribution is magnificent as it melds “classic Kara” with the notion of “Woman of Tomorrow” in an iconic way.
For an issue that feels like a “year’s best” contender, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6 has no negatives.
It’s almost an afterthought, but this issue sets up what is clearly the end run of the series. And, it’s a great moment at the end when Supergirl finally confronts Krem. It’s a real testament to the quality of the issue, that this excitement is overshadowed by the beautiful exploration of Kara’s character. This is an issue one could read without any context and still “get it.” And, then you’d have to get the rest…!