When talking about the history of the DC universe, there’s one significant word that comes up again and again: Crisis. Previously every major event in DC Comics has been in relation to a Crisis of some sort. Be that Infinite, Final, Identity or on Infinite Earths, we have had plenty. Along with that we now have the news of the latest addition to the Crisis family; Dark Crisis.

Dark Crisis 0 FCBD (Image Credit DC)
Following the events of Justice League #75 and the death of the Justice League, the Dark Crisis will begin. With a creative team of writer Joshua Williamson and artist Daniel Sampere, fans will be expecting epic things and this is exactly how DC wants everyone to feel about this. The publisher has described the event as an “epic battle of good versus evil” with “epic surprises”.

Dark Crisis 1 two page spread (Image Credit DC)
When talking about the event Williamson said:
It will have all the giant, fun cosmic battles and Multiversal set pieces, but it’s not about reboots, retcons, or rewriting time and space. At its core, it’s about the characters and the relationships that we’ve seen built over DC’s great history.
Sampere ( Justice League, Action Comics, Green Arrow) also gave his thoughts on the 7-issue limited series solicited for release in June:
To me, Dark Crisis is a big celebration for all DC fans,” . “It’s a huge event full of epic heart, an event that embraces the past while looking to the future. Joshua and I are the biggest DC fans, and this is our love letter to these characters and this universe.
Pariah is back
Williamson (Infinite Frontier, Justice League, Batman) is bringing back a pivotal character from 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George PĂ©rez. Pariah, who most recently appeared in Infinite Frontier #6 will be the main villain of the story. He will be attempting to use “The Great Darkness” as a weapon to bring back his Multiverse from Obliteration and wants revenge on Earth-Prime in the process. The event will begin with Dark Crisis #0 FCBD Special Edition which will be available to readers free on May 7’s Free Comic Book Day and May 31’s Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1 one-shot, which will be available to purchase. The story is reported as tying together story threads from Infinite Frontier (2021) and the official synopsis is as follows:
A world without the Justice League…”
“Witness the rise and fall of the Justice League!”
“The Justice League has been defeated…”
“The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle…”
“How does the world react to the Justice League being gone?”
So with the next big event on the horizon and no more Justice League, how will the DCU face this threat? Which characters will join the fight against Pariah and “The Great Darkness”.