Review: King Spawn #7
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Image Comics
Writers: Sean Lewis, Todd McFarlane
Artists: Javi Fernandez, Thomas Nachlik
Letters: AndWorld Design
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
King Spawn #7 – Spawn returns to where his journey began: New York City. The city has always had the touch of filth in its streets, but now the rot has reached the boardroom of one of the largest hedge funds in the world.
What happens when Terry and Al are lured back to the night that Wanda was killed? This is the the first steps to realizing Wanda’s death has led to Al being led to the God Thrown.
What About Wanda? It’s always been about her and how Heaven and Hell have struggled to keep Al in line as his deal with the Devil meant so much more than just two kingdoms hanging in the balance. Now Sean Lewis takes us back to the second time that Al lost Wanda …when she was purposefully killed.
Lewis has us all on his yo-yo string as his script is chock full of historical references in the Spawn Universe…I mean we even get the little boxes now that refer you to other Spawn comic issues. That is the tapestry that Sean Lewis has woven himself into.
Again, McFarlane has his fingers in every pot that is in the Spawn Kitchen right now. Never has it been any better than being a Spawn fan. This issue catapults Spawn into a new set of inner demons he must confront as he is being set up to be the leader of it all – Heaven, Hell and in-between!
Incidentally, no power meter in King Spawn…only the crown and skull. I see you McFarlane…I see you!
Positives 2.0
King Spawn has replaced Spawn as the bloodiest comic around. The battles are not gratuitous in nature…it returns readers of Spawn back to what Hell represents. Spawn is a cleaner comic now, and is brighter as the characters surrounding Spawn are a bit brighter…well, maybe not Gunslinger. But King Spawn…this comic has started with the most vile creatures ever in the Spawn Universe. If you don’t think so, check out The KingSlayer…that’s one bad beast!
However, look at the anguish in Al’s face when he sees Wanda behind the wheel of a car. YOu cannot make a Demon cry but Javi’s pencils can. Great stuff!
Accolades for World Record-Setting
King Spawn #7 continues to deliver! All of the Spawn titles are providing fans with something to read about on a weekly basis, but this book is the true history lesson as Sean Lewis is all about the Spawn canon. His writing arguably contributes more to the ideas that McFarlane put out there some thirty years ago than well….the Todd Father himself.
If Todd is the QB, then Sean Lewis is the running back that gets you into the endzone everytime. With apologies to Todd who is from Canada…and is also a major baseball fan…but I digress! The book is great!
Issue #7 is pure “old school Spawn”….when you take a look at older issues of Spawn where he sits in the alleys of New York City cajoled and plagued by The Clown and adored by the homeless…this is where King Spawn sits. We are back to where it all began as Sean Lewis knows it has all been about Al’s love for Wanda. Perfect story for after Valentine’s Day!