Doctor Who: Origins – Book One
Writer: Jody Houser
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
Color Artist: Warnia K. Sahadewa
Letterers: Comicraft’s Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
Reviewed by: Steve J. Ray
The Fugitive Doctor gets her chance to shine in the eagerly anticipated, and quite wonderful, Doctor Who: Origins #1.
From page one this new story delivers surprises. I’m usually someone who hates spoilers, but the art provided by Titan Comics for this first issue gives away a huge surprise from the get-go. The Doctor’s companion in the opening sequence blew my mind, so I can’t wait to hear some fan reactions.
Worry not though, fellow spoilerphobes! The rest of the issue keeps delivering new twists turns and brand new characters. In fact, this comic is so full of fun and content that the rest of the series has a lot to live up to. Of course, the fact that the incredible team of Jody Houser, Roberta Ingranata, Warnia Sahadewa, and Comicraft are the ones giving us this story means that I have absolutely nothing to worry about.
The title itself, Doctor Who: Origins, has me intrigued. Are we actually going to witness the Doctor’s break from Division and actually see the reason she becomes the “Fugitive Doctor”? I believe we are, and that has me excited for what we’ll be getting in the rest of this series. This incarnation has all the world-weariness of William Hartnell’s original, and Peter Capaldi’s twelfth Doctor, plus the heroism and dynamics of the fifth, tenth, and eleventh Doctors. The best part? She’s something brand new, too!
As always with Titans Comics’ Doctor Who series, the plot is fascinating, the dialogue is sharp, and the settings and characters are captivating. The Fugitive Doctor’s ties with Division, an extremely suspect organization if ever I saw one, had me concerned from their TV debut. Of course, this incarnation, like all that followed, shows that while she may look like she’s following orders, the Doctor is all about saving lives rather than taking them. Thank you, Jody Houser.
Roberta Ingranata and Warnia K. Shadeva are a dream team. The art in this issue, heck in every book they’ve worked on together, is simply lovely. This art style in this comic is joyful, punchy, and fun. Comicraft’s Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt complete the issue with great sound effects, impeccable captions, and beautifully placed dialogue balloons; as one would expect from such masters of their craft.
I have none, as the content is perfect. These are Doctor Who stories that no one could complain about. The writing and characterization are first-rate, the art is lovely, and the entire package stands out. This series delivers on all fronts.
Doctor Who: Origins #1 is an incredibly strong opening issue. This creative team knows how to grab readers’ attention and keep them hooked. With every facial expression and line of dialogue, I see and hear Jo Martin’s Fugitive Doctor. That’s down to the incredible talent behind the writing and art in this book.
While the Doctor’s recent TV adventures haven’t pleased everyone, Titan’s Doctor Who comics never fail to impress.
Images Courtesy of Titan Comics