Review: The Swamp Thing #15[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Ram V
Art: Mike Perkins
Colors: Mike Spicer
Letters: Aditya Bidikar
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Levi and Jacob reconcile in order to make a move against the Parliament of Gears. However, it’s the arrival of Trinity and her journey that sparks the beginning of the end.
Ram V’s script is lyrical and insightful as he has Levi wax philosophical about the nature of existence and co-existence between the Earth and Machine. He’s right as well. No matter what we do, the Earth will endure. It will be here. It will continue to exist even when man is gone from it. If we go back to V’s first story with the character in Future State: Swamp Thing, we can see this. The plants are reclaiming the factories and buildings.
What’s clear in both that two-issue series and The Swamp Thing #15 is that Swamp Thing/Levi’s role is to bring a sort of balance to things. Man can’t live without the Earth, but machines and technology enhance the life of man. It’s not a pure symbiosis, but existence is interrelated. The one constant is the Earth/ the Green, it can survive without man, and it can definitely survive without machines. It seems that Levi sees the Green as a home for man, a place where mankind can thrive.
The arrival of Trinity to the proceedings adds another element to the struggle. While she chooses a side, her metaphysical role isn’t quite clear yet. It certainly appears that she will be an instrumental part of next issue’s conclusion. It’s significant that she acknowledges the effect a simple act of kindness can have.
The art from Perkins and Spicer is exceptional, as always. Despite her outward appearance, Perkins captures a vulnerability in Trinity. Additionally, there’s one page that depicts the dichotomy of the characters and themes of the series in paired groupings behind Swampy and Trinity’s hands, as they touch, that’s reminiscent of God and Adam’s touch from Michelangelo’s “Creation” from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
I feel like there’s a reference to the Pale Wanderer that I didn’t quite understand in this issue. I believe it will be worthwhile to go back and read “Season One” again to figure out what I’ve missed.
The Swamp Thing #15 is another fantastic issue of a fantastic series. V’s writing is at times beautiful and at times moving. As one would expect, it’s hard to believe we’re down to one issue. This continues to be great comics. If the way we get great these books has changed and they’re going to come in storylines, as opposed to a continuous series that run for years and years, then The Swamp Thing is an example of how to do it right. It would be nice to see this creative monthly on an ongoing Swamp Thing series, though!