Review: Nightwing #122[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Dan Watters
Art: Dexter Soy
Colors: Veronica Gandini
Letters: Wes Abbott
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Nightwing exposes Olivia Pearce’s earlier identity to Maggie Sawyer and Mayor Grayson-Lin as he relates a tale of Batman and Robin in a flashback to his days as the Boy Wonder!
The flashback sequence is really strong in this issue. There may be a couple “expected” parallels, but it’s always fun to see Robin in his classic costume. Praise for not being afraid of green trunks and fairy boots! The flashback takes us back to the Cirque du Sin and Dick’s encounter with a young and troubled Olivia Pearce. Veronica Gandini’s colors in the flashback give this section of Nightwing #122 a different look and it works really well. They are a bit washed out, but they evoke a different feel than the present day parts of the issue. It works both as a visual indicator that it’s in flashback, but also reinforce the emotional beats that Dan Watters conveys in the script.
Dick finds himself positioned against Maggie Sawyer and his sister, the Mayor as he tries to convince the that Sphreic Solutions is the problem not the … solution. It’s an interesting conflict, that we must assume will get resolved by the end of the arc. He’s unable to give proof that Spheric is behind all the trouble he claims they are, and Sawyer is upset about the cops Dick has fought to save the kids in the Teddy gang. Dick is also disappointed that none of the gangs seem to trust him in his effort to save them. However, that plot thread gets some movement at the end of the issue.
There is a sense that the parallels between Dick and Olivia with circus theme and both being “taken in by a dark protector and dedicating (themselves) to a cause” may be a little trite. If things don’t linger too long it should be ok. Additionally, Oliva is also a bit of a dark parallel to Dick and that was also the case for Heartless, so there is also a sense of familiarity that comes too quickly after the Heartless storyline wrapped.
Nightwing #122 has some really strong elements, but the sameness of other elements from recent Nightwing comics and obvious parallels bring this issue down a bit from the previous ones in this run. It’s still a good issue with good art and some outstanding coloring choices with the potential to rebound a bit in the expected finale of this storyline over the next two installments.