Indie Comics Review: Stray Dogs #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Tony Fleecs
Artist: Trish Forstner
Colorist: Brad Simpson
Layouts: Tone Rodriguez
Review by: Kendra Hale
Let’s just get right to it.
Just as Victor had joined their side, Sophie, Roxanne, and Rusty watch in horror as Master does the unthinkable. After Earl had alerted Master to Victor calling for emergency help, Master took Victor behind the punishment shed and a single BANG rang out. That was what readers were left with after Stray Dogs #3. Now time for the band-aid to come off.
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
With Stray Dogs #4 we get Earl’s past, and what a stinking cute puppy he was. But for every drop of cuteness be ready for the devastating gut punch that follows as the skeletons are coming out of the closet. Master is SO much worse than a serial killer who takes in the animals of his kills. Like, making readers feel the red rage of murder bad.
Everything is coming to a head and all of the remaining dogs who were on the fence of what to believe now know what the score is and just how bad things are. There is only one issue left of this series and it is sure to be a massive closer.
Oh how I want to say there is nothing positive about what unfolds in this series, to shield from the abject horror that comes from tension and anxiety inducing pages. But it would be like Lemony Snicket telling you to look away from the misery that is about to unfold. Let’s be clear here, Stray Dogs is my number one pick for best series to come for 2021. While this issue broke me and caused me to plot murder most foul against a fictional character…this speaks volumes about the creators.
Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner, and Brad Anderson have given us a vested relationship with their characters in just a short amount of time. Dread, anxiety, tension, fear… all of this wrapped in a smart story with beautiful and terrifying art. And the best, most evil, part is that they know what they are doing. Kudos. Also, as much disdain as we may have held towards the loyalty of Earl, there is a scene that shows him redeemed in all his glory. It is beautiful.
Ugly crying?
BEST series of 2021. I am sad that there is only 5 issues of Stray Dogs but my fingers are crossed for more to come because this has been a series unlike anything I have seen. Yes there are homages but when it comes to execution…nothing like it. Astounding.
DO it. Fall in love with this series and let it pull you apart piece by piece.
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