The Flash Speeds Into DC’s “One-Minute War!”

by Jay
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The Flash will have his work cut out for him as he races into the next big event: One-Minute War.

The Fastest Man Alive has barely managed to catch his breath from the events of Dark Crisis, when Wally West kicks off the new year with another challenge. Can he surpass the fastest war in existence?

The Flash Goes To War For 60 Seconds – What?! How?!

Beginning in The Flash #790, by Jeremy Adams and Roger Cruz,  the Scarlet Speedster faces off against extraterrestrials who can also tap into the Speed Force. For first time readers, the Speed Force is the extradimensional paradoxical energy field created when Barry Allen – the second and most popular Flash besides his protégé, Wally – was struck by lightning. Reaching back from the dawn of time to the end of time, the Speed Force exists as a living entity that chooses those meant to become speedsters. Those that can tap into it share the powers of The Flash, or manifest its energies in different ways.

This will be the first time that alien antagonists have managed to tap into it, beings who do not share the Flash’s innate sense of justice.

DC Comics has released the following synopsis:


  • As any super-speedster worth their salt will tell you, time can move pretty slow for the incredibly fast. So what happens when an entire armada of conquering speedster aliens shows up on Earth’s doorstep? The most intense battle the Earth has ever waged in the span of 60 seconds begins!
  • Written by JEREMY ADAMS
  • Art by ROGER CRUZ
  • Cover by TAURIN CLARKE
  • Variant covers by DANIEL BAYLISS and TBD
  • 1:25 variant cover by Ibrahim Moustafa
  • 1:50 foil variant cover by Taurin Clarke
  • $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
  • ON SALE 1/3/23

Wally has already proven he is faster than Barry, but is he fast enough to stop an armada in the span of sixty seconds? Find out as The Flash #790 speeds into comic shops January 3rd, 2023.

Official Source – DC Sends the Flash Into a 60 Second War – And a Twice-Monthly Schedule (

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