DC Comics’ Batman series is one of the most popular comic series that has spun out of the New 52 relaunch. Headed by a dynamic creative team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo, Batman has had much success despite the Dark Knight being the headliner of three other comic series: Detective Comics, Batman & Robin, and Batman: The Dark Knight. Let’s not get into the other Bat-family members that currently have their own ongoing series as well.
But with the celebration of Batman’s 75th anniversary, Batman is the star of DC comics this year. Anniversary comic issues, a new animated movie coming out soon (Batman: Son of Batman), the final installation of Rocksteady’s Arkham video games to come out later this year. Why not add a new “designer series” of action figures from DC Comics collectibles?
Snyder’s stories have been complimented perfectly by Capullo’s artwork on the series as the two have become a tremendous tandem in the comic industry both as a team and individually. And with that, DC collectibles will be coming out with their first Greg Capullo designer series of Batman action figures, adapting the action figures from Capullo’s version of Batman characters. “DC Comics Designer Series 1” will feature Batman, Nightwing, Riddler, and Talon.
Capullo’s Batman looks as sharp and strong as ever. The cape is made of a flexible plastic so that it can hold its spread out shape.
New 52 Nightwing sports the red logo as opposed to the pre-New 52 blue one. Those following the Nightwing comic series may be more inclined to go after this action figure with Richard Grayson’s future up in the air… or should we say Nightwing’s?
Riddler is the current antagonist in Batman‘s current “Zero Year: Dark City” and “Zero Year: Savage City” storyline found on shelves at comic stores now. It’s a story that has defined the New 52 version of Riddler as more than just another one of Batman’s common rogues, but as one of Gotham’s most nefarious criminal masterminds. Unsure of how much longer the storyline will go on for, but Riddler may definitely be in demand due to his role in the comics. The figure is pretty spot on with the three piece green suit and question mark cane.
Talon may be an unfamiliar character to those who haven’t been reading the current run of Batman. Up to this point, the first third of the Batman series centered around this new villainous organization created by Snyder and Capullo, the Court of Owls. These stories centered around the idea that Gotham might be secretly controlled by a different winged animal that’s not a bad… but an owl. The Court of Owls have their undead Talon ninjas/warriors do their dirty work, which in these stories meant try to take on the Batman. The Owls and their Talons quickly rose to become one of fan’s favorite Batman villains. And for those who haven’t read the comics, take it from us, all Capullo’s details from the comics have made it to the action figure. The owl mask being the most recognized feature, in addition to the owl emblem and numerous throwing knives. Also, just as a side note, this Talon character shouldn’t be confused with Calvin Rose, the main character of the comic series Talon. This Talon is a lot meaner. And if you’re interested in reading more about the Court of Owls, go buy Batman Vol 1: Court of Owls! There’s even a set that you can get that comes with an owl mask!
Ok, back on topic. Just one small thing to note from IGN. Apparently, it may be a little hard to get the props to stay in the figure’s hands like Batman with Batarangs or Talon with the throwing knives. It likely just requires a special touch and positioning that will require some experimenting, but worth mentioning for those interested.
Batman and Talon will be released May 30, and Nightwing and Riddler will come out June 30. All action figures will be retailed for $24.95.
Which would action figure would you buy? Is there another character you’d rather see from Capullo’s designer series? Let us know in the comments!
Source: IGN