Two release dates to keep in mind if you’re looking for something DC-related to read: the first is the companion paperback, Arrow – Heroes and Villains by Nick Aires and due to be released on February 3, 2015. This companion book features in-depth character breakdowns of Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, Slade Wilson and many more. The book is a perfect gift for the Arrow enthusiast, or for those hardcore Arrow fans who want to expand their knowledge base on the characters of the show.
The second book, and the one we at DC Comics News are most excited to read, is a new novel based on the Warner Bros. hit TV show Arrow. The book is titled Arrow – Vengeance by Oscar Balderrama and Lauren Certo and is due to be released on March 31, 2015. You can pre-order the book on Amazon for $7.49 for the Kindle version or $7.99 for the Mass Market Paperback being offered by Titan Books.
Little is known about this first novel other than the fact that it begins with Oliver Queen’s return home after being stranded on an island for five years. It starts with his quest to save Starling City by creating his alter-ego Arrow. Hopefully the book will not rehash episodes that we’ve all seen (and admittedly love), but bring a fresh look at our hero and his complicated life. Another factor that will greatly affect the book and how it comes across to readers, will be the point of view it’s written in. Have the authors written the book in the first-person of Oliver’s voice, or have they used an omniscient approach, giving us a peek into every character’s head?
Either Titan Books isn’t anticipating much interest, or they are trying to create a high amount of anticipation to draw people to purchase the book by not offering their usual “Look Inside” option. Currently there is very little information on their own website.
Many of us here at DC Comics News have already pre-ordered our copies, so look for a review of the book from us after the March release. Happy reading!