Fox aired a sneak preview of Gotham‘s upcoming episode earlier this week, titled, “Blind Fortune Teller,” that nearly broke the internet. It appears Gotham is finally introducing The Joker in the form of Cameron Monaghan, or is it?
It was the sound heard around the world, or at least the sound comic book fans know all to well. It was the sound of maniacal laughter. But is Monaghan who comic book fans suspect him to be?
“He may or may not be The Joker,” Gotham creator and showrunner Bruno Heller told The Hollywood Reporter. “All I can promise is that’s not a bait and switch. It’s a long game we’re playing here.”
Series producers have been teasing that The Joker would make an appearance at some point before the first season ends.
“The great fun of this show is that it’s the origin story of these famous characters, and with The Joker, the wonderful thing is that nobody knows where he came from and what his genesis was. What I can guarantee is that you have to follow that brilliant young actor Cameron Monaghan down the line, and you will see how this leads to the character we all know and love.”
Heller also praised Monaghan’s “brilliant” performance. He said that when the episode airs, fans will see a performance “in and of itself,” not an imitation of someone or an homage to anyone.
“Blind Fortune Teller” airs Monday, February 16 on Fox.