Top-seller, critically acclaimed, and fan-favourite Vertigo series Y: The Last Man is being adapted for the small screen with FX Network. The series, written by Brian K. Vaughan with art by Pia Guerra, ran for 60 issues starting in 2002. It is a dystopian story of a world where every male mammal with a Y chromosome is killed, except for lead character Yorrick and his monkey side-kick Ampersand.
The series was slated for a film adaptation in 2007, but the project fell apart when developer New Line insisted on making the movie a 2-hour feature and not a 3-film franchise as the creative team wanted. There was also negotiations in 2012 taking place for a film adaptation, but by 2014 Vaughan confirmed that the film project was dead and that the rights were being reverted back to him.
Now, however, things are looking up for a Y: The Last Man adaptation to finally come to fruition. Television is certainly a popular format for comic adaptations these days! There is no word on a director for the series, or who will play lead character Yorrick. Who would be your dreamcast for Y: The Last Man?