[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Philippe Briones
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb
This issue opens with the news report of Aquaman’s fight with the Shaggy Man to save Amnesty Bay. The newscast is overwhelmingly positive for Aquaman’s public perception. Mera arrives at the hospital to discover what’s happened to her betrothed. Aquaman is concerned that this turn in public opinion will not last long, but a reassuring visit from the Justice League makes Arthur and Mera feel good about the situation.
Mera broaches the subject of the Widowhood’s prophecy in non-specific terms and Arthur will have none of it. Mera is able to change the subject and inform Arthur of what she’s learned about N.E.M.O. from Lt. Stubbs. After leaving the hospital Arthur and Mera have Lt. Stubbs visit them in Atlantis to divulge what she knows. During their discussion they are surprised to see a news report that Atlantis has attacked the United States.
There is a complexity to the plot that is unfolding in Aquaman. This allows the story to work in a multifaceted way while always leaving the feeling of anticipation. Clearly, Arthur will have to work extremely hard to stop the attack on the U.S., but he’s still got the prophecy to deal with. Additionally, Aquaman’s supporting cast has expanded from Mera and a couple Atlanteans allies to include Lt. Stubbs and the two FBI agents, Reagan and Ajar. This cast allows the reader to explore the different aspects of Aquaman and his life. While the strong relationship between Mera and Aquaman has been centreal to the character for many years, we are now able to better see a more complex and varied relationship between Aquaman and the world in which he lives.
This is a fantastic issue that leaves little room for criticism.
Aquaman #11 is another chapter in a wonderful take on Aquaman that establishes the character as powerful and significant. His position as King of Atlantis makes him vulnerable in ways unlike the other super heroes in the DC Universe. This series is taking full advantage of those opportunities.