A Co-Exclusive Fan Film: Batman Evolution

by Damian Fasciani
1 comment

evolutionThis week we bring you a co-exclusive premier of a fan based Batman film that is very different to what we have seen up to this point. DC Comics News along with a very small selection of other fan based sites were lucky enough to be invited to an advanced screening of Batman Evolution.

Directed by aussie (I am very proud being an aussie myself Peter Cornwell) what makes this short film a hit is that the story line has been kept simple. Black Mask has captured Robin in a warehouse and the Batman has to rescue him. To do that, he needs to get through Black Mask’s men and then fight his nemesis to get to the boy wonder! In the opening sequence of the film we are graced with the 60’s (Adam West style) Batman who knows that he is up against it but must save his side kick.

Considering the length of the film is short (just over six minutes), the fight sequences are brilliant! They deliver impact in a short, sharp powerful manner. Mixed with the right music that sets the scene, trust me you have not seen stunts like this before in six minute film. Where other fan based films tend to fall short is that they try to indulge in a serious, dark tone and at times when budget is short and actors are not up for the task the end result is not what was intended.

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The Stunts are just unreal!

There is a great twist in the film that we will not mention, you have to experience it for yourself. It’s only quick but sets the tone for the fight scenes. Thats it, I wont mention anymore on that one.


We would like to thank Batman Evolution writer Eric Gable for inviting us to be part of the advanced screening and his crew. A brilliant job, you have added another dimension to how short fan based films can be made.

Enjoy the film


“Batman Evolution deliver a pocket rocket experience throwing “serious”, “humorous”, and “quirky” in a blender and have managed to get the blend right!  9/10 ” 


Keep a look out as the crew are working on a secret project in Berlin. More to come on that one soon!


Enjoy DC Comicsnews Fans.

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