During a span between 1992-2000 “Batman: Shadow of The Bat” was a comic series written by Alan Grant that ran parallel alongside Batman and Detective Comics. “Shadow of The Bat differed from other Batman comics in the sense that it explored the inner psyches of different Gotham characters.
Recently DC Attorney Megan Martin registered the title as a trademark for:
“Downloadable publications in the nature of books featuring characters from animated, action adventure, comedy and/or drama features, comic books, graphic novels, magazines featuring characters from animated, action adventure, comedy and/or drama features.
While that doesn’t confirm the series is coming back, you have to think what’s the pointing of going through as this trouble getting it trademarked if they’re not going to do anything with it.
Now all they need is to get the fantastic Alan Grant to return to writing the comic and all is well.
Source: Bleedingcool