See Jack Kirby’s creations as they are reinvented in the upcoming Green Lantern/New Gods crossover story, The New Gods: Godhead #1, debuting October 1.

Woods took to Facebook last week to post a reinvented Lightray. DC had inadvertently used an earlier version of the redesign on the poster image above.
Artist Pete Woods’s reinventions can be seen on the above two-page Channel 52 spread. Making a reappearance among the reinvented Lightray, Metron and the Mobius Chair is Bekka, inventor of the Mother Box. She was last seen in 2008 when she died at the hands of her uncle The Infinity Man during The Death of the New Gods. The series will introduce a number of new characters like Malhedron, Shadowfall, Uggha and Hyalt.
The Godhead storyline will have Highfather collecting one of each ring in the emotional spectrum to use against Darkseid. This, presumably, will tie into Darkseid’s expected appearances in Earth 2: World’s End, the weekly series set on Earth 2.
At the end of Forever Evil, the Anti-Monitor was on a collision course with Darkseid. Could Grant Morrison’s The Multiversity, a sequel to Final Crisis, tie into Godhead?
Source: Comic Book