With the next episode of The CW’s Arrow titled “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” fans finally get to see where the most adorable hacker, Felicity Smoak, in all of television started. The episode will consist of Oliver and Felicity locking horns with a cyber-attack.
Like Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, Felicity has a Cyber-Goth background when it comes to flashbacks. With her mother turning up in Starling City old memories and flashbacks will be a key to this new episode. With the whole change of look for the blonde with the laptop this could mean we will see a different side to Felicity in this week’s episode.
Also in the episode Oliver disapproves of Thea buying an apartment with the money from Malcom Merlin, while Ted Grant is beginning to wonder why Laurel is learning to fight.
We may see in “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” we may see how Felicity went from goth hacker to IT specialist in Queen Consolidated.
Arrow continues on Wednesday with “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” on the CW at 8pm.
Source: ScreenRant