Over the past several months DC has been changing up their covers to add a little more excitement. The DC variant covers have varied from LEGO’s and monsters to DC Bombshells. January and February will feature to big stars in the comic book world. The Flash and Harley Quinn will invade the covers of DC titles down the line. Just a few days ago it was announced that March has a special set of variants in store. DC unveiled the new movie-themed covers and they look absolutely brilliant. I haven’t been this excited over variants since the second run of Robot Chicken.

Many of my favorite movies are being showcased in this round of special variants. From big blockbusters to cult-classics, comic fans will be treated to an array of different movie posters re-imagined with their favorite super heroes and villains. These upcoming covers are flawless and some even make the original movie look better. I would have definitely been less bored at Magic Mike with DC’s casting updates.
Batman takes over the world of the Matrix while Supergirl is busy in Oz. Aquaman saves a whale Wonder Woman takes on an empire. Even if you’re not a comic book fan, these covers are simply amazing works of art. As I scrolled through the full list it was hard not to feel a bit nostalgic. Comics are cinema are two things I love and respect dearly. To see them both mesh and intertwine together so effortlessly was great. Twenty-two of DC’s biggest titles will receive the hollywood treatment this March so don’t miss out.

Make sure to check out your local comic book store and grab as many of these special movie-poster variants as possible. I know my March pull list just got a little bit bigger.
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Source: Screenrant & DC comics