Writers: Paul Levitz
Pencils: Jed Dougherty
Ink: Jed Dougherty
Colourist: Chris Sotomayor
Cover Art: Yildiray Cinar, Gabe Eltaeb
We follow the Worlds’ Finest with Robin and her Mother, Catwoman as they attempt to rescue a boatload of refugees destined for the sex-trade. Batman watching over his daughter and wife as they do. Sloan happily gifts Superman with a dose of Kryptonite and a personal invite from Apokolips.
The relationship between Robin and Catwoman is a delight to ride along with the art. Catwoman is stunning visually in this issue with nice details on the costume and on the whip.
Superman’s section gave off the feeling of being page fillers. It was quick and the Apokolips moment didn’t seem to have a point other than a distraction.
Final Thought
Beautiful colouring kept my eyes happily feasting away while the relationship of the Cat/Bat family is something that I just keep coming back for. It’s wonderful to see the dark brooding man letting his ladies stretch and try and stay out till they actually need him. It’s a wonderful dimension to Batman that is actually rather sweet.
Not a fan of Superman or Lois as I was hoping to see more of Kara.