Anyone can be a hero; anyone at any age. A four-year-old in Trinidad proved this when he went to get help to save his family.
Appropriately enough, the little boy is named “Kal-El” Alleyne, the Kryptonian name of Superman/Superboy. And this Kal-El is credited for saving his mother and aunt after their car drove off a cliff. While on a family trip last Tuesday, Kal-El’s mother Amanda Graham swerved to avoid oncoming traffic, sending the vehicle into a ravine and throwing Amanda, Kal-El and his aunt through the back window.
R.I.P. Lenny B. Robinson, Real-Life Batman
Reports say Kal-El climbed bout 100 feet up to the road, then flagged down a passerby. Amanda suffered a broken rib, and his aunt a broken shoulder. And almost like a true Superboy, Kal-El came through without injury. Kal-El visited with 15 fire officers from the Santa Cruz Fire Station who assisted in the rescue operation which saved the lives of his aunt and mother. For his efforts, the Superboy was rewarded with a firefighter’s helmet. We here at DCN salute young Kal-El!
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