One of Batman’s deadliest enemies is Ra’s Al Ghul and now it will be available in a Lego set!
Sets from Batman v Superman have already been released and coming this summer, we will get more villains such as Killer Croc and Scarecrow. The Ra’s Al Ghul set includes a few firsts for a Batman Lego set. Here is the description on the set.
Ra’s al Ghul exits the gate of the hideout, they try to surprise the enemy with a buggy Desert Batman. Unplug the sword, but confrontation and Talia Al-Ghoul at the top of the stairs! Avoid the Ra’s al Ghul to come popping out from the Lazarus Pit, trying to Robin rescue of captivity. However, the trap of the ax to move the swing-watch out!
A price in the US is not set yet, but in Japan were it has been released it is the equivalent of $60 U.S. The set will only be exclusive to one retail chain, but that information is not released yet.