Review: Supergirl #12

by Danny Saab
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[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Steve Orlando

Artists: Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Michael Atiyeh & Stanley “Artgerm” Lau



After the conclusion of the last issue, Supergirl’s powers begin to go out of control, just as a new threat begins to form.

Review: Supergirl #12


Normally in my reviews, I typically start with positives in the story before I get to the artwork. However, this review will be different. I couldn’t in good conscious wait a few paragraphs before commenting on how incredible the art was in this issue. Not since Emanuela Lupacchino’s art in the first issue of Supergirl Rebirth has it been this good. With all do respect to Brian Ching’s work thus far in the series, but Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques & Michael Atiyeh take it to a whole new level. Every page of this issue is just absolutely beautiful, with gorgeous colors and expression. It’s worth the buy just for the art alone. Also check out the variant cover from Stanley”Artgerm” Lau. Only two words can best describe it, “mind blowing”!

Now onto the story. Although there were a few missteps with the dialogue, the story itself was pretty good, and leaves some serious questions as to what will happen next. It’s the first time in a long time that Orlando has made me sit up and pay attention to his Supergirl series. I didn’t feel the story was to far fetched or over the top, but rather it was very down to Earth, and simple, with just the right amount of heart and effort.

Kara’s talk with her father was incredibly sweet. Even with everything he’s done to her (and you really need to go back to Supergirl of the New 52 to figure it all out) she still treats him like her father, seeking his advice and, well, just hoping he’ll understand her as no one else can. It was very heartfelt, and really speaks to Kara’s character.

Orlando also does a great job of imitating Cat Grant’s character right from the television show. He has her quips and confidence down perfectly, which really makes her character enjoyable to read, and provides some great laughs.

Review: Supergirl #12


They’re were two major negative points I had for this issue. For starters, the use of a cloned Solomon Grundy. Supergirl as a character suffers from not having enough rogues in her gallery. It’s bad enough that more often then not former Supergirl writers needed to borrow a villain from Superman’s gallery, but now to use Batman’s, and not just use, but to clone one and have them fight Supergirl, is just lazy, and doesn’t show much originality. Orlando should have taken a page from Michael Green and Mike Johnson’s New 52 Supergirl book when they created the character of Reign and the Worldkillers. Create smart, cunning, and ruthless villains to challenge your heroes. And who knows, they may even make it to the small screen one day.

The second problem I had with this issue is more of a personal one, and has to do when Kara falls after the floor collapses at her school. I find it hard to believe that not only did anyone really help her except her best friend, but other students even ridiculed her and her friend for helping. I just don’t see how any students in any high school can act that way, especially with Supergirl flying the skies of National City, helping those in need and giving people hope.

Review: Supergirl #12


Despite a few negative points in this issue, it was one of the best Supergirl books since the start of Rebirth. It could possibly be because of the incredible artwork, or the down to earth writing of Orlando, but all in all, a really good issue, and a lot of fun to read. For the first time in a long time, I’m looking forward to the next issue.


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