The Grim Knight, the Batman Who Laughs’ gun-toting dark Batman, is getting his own spin-off one-shot in March from writers Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV and artist Eduardo Risso.
Meanwhile, The Batman Who Laughs limited series will take a skip month in March, with no issue of that title included in DC’s just-released solicitations.
The Batman Who Laughs: The Grim Knight #1 is due out March 13. Here’s the solicitation, along with the cover:
THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS: THE GRIM KNIGHT #1written by SCOTT SNYDER and JAMES TYNION IVart by EDUARDO RISSOcover by JOCKvariant cover by GABRIELE DELL’OTTOblank variant cover availableRipped from Batman’s greatest nightmares, the Grim Knight is his world’s most dangerous vigilante, unafraid to use any weapon and go to any lengths to stop those whom he deems worthy of death. Trained with the finest arsenal Wayne money can buy, learn the secret origin of the second-deadliest Batman, hand selected by the Batman Who Laughs to bring his dark plans to fruition. This one-shot has a big 28-page story!ONE SHOT | ON SALE 03.13.19$4.99 US | 32 PAGESFC | RATED T+This issue will ship with two covers.Please see the order form for details.