The sixth season of The Flash has begun production and one word: Godspeed.
On-set photos from YVRShoots in Vancouver reveal the Scarlet Speedster will begin the year with confronting the white-clad speedster villain. Godspeed made his debut last season in the episode that revealed Nora West-Allen’s origin. The 2049 speedster villain had been the first opponent that an inexperienced Nora had barely defeated. While it is the first face-to-face with the villain, his history with The Flash in the source material holds more depth.
Godspeed 101
Godspeed began in the comics as CCPD Officer August Heart, who received his speed during a recent Speed Force Storm. He went on to use his powers to kill the person he wrongfully accused of murdering his brother. He then proceeded to make himself faster by killing the other new speedsters and stealing their powers. His speed reached a point where he could literally split himself into separate beings. His friendship with Barry Allen that preceded his adventures as The Flash made their rivalry all the more personal.
But unlike Heart’s recent face turn in print, Godspeed remains an antagonist on The CW. The writers reworked him into a Velocity 9 junkie that was stealing chemicals to fuel his dependency. He also killed Nora’s lab partner and friend Lia during their first encounter. Nora convinced Eobard to assist her by phone as she deduced his identity and decided to seek justice for Lia herself. It was this team-up that ultimately formed their bond that Thawne abused to escape from prison. Given Thawne’s plan had caused Nora to be erased from existence because of the changes to the timeline, Godspeed’s appearance only throws salt on Barry’s wounds. As to how he escaped from prison and why he travelled from the future, the premiere will answer those questions.
In Other Flash News
Speaking of questions answered, YVRShoots gave fans their first look at Dr. Caitlin Snow’s new work clothes. Actress Danielle Panabaker has been photographed strutting around in her new Killer Frost costume, which is blue and black with a cool silver snowflake on the front. In the finale, a departing Cisco Ramon left his best friend something in the shop that he had been working on.
Be sure to tune in to The Flash when it returns this Fall on October 8th on the The CW.