Review: The Ride: Burning Desire #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Daniel Hillyard and Tomm Coker
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
When another dancer is murdered, Vega must choose between freedom, death, and a merry band of misfit exotic dancers. All this and the strangest backup story so far! TOMM COKER (THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS) returns to THE RIDE to tell the story of how a devil-worshipping biker cult drives a woman to nunhood.
My prior reviews had negatives, but this one will not! Vega’s story has a purpose and “Nun” has one of the tightest drawn fight sequences of recent history! Kudos to all!
I guess the destination of Issue #4 was worth the tough “Ride” of Issues 1-3. Can we please have more Tomm Coker! His art work is worthy of a monthly title!