Review: Blade Runner 2019 #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Mike Johnson and Michael Green
Artists: Andres Guinaldo
Colors: Marco Lesko
Letters: Jim Campbell
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
The climax to the first origina lcomic series set in the world of Blade Runner! Detective Ash discovers the truth behind her mysterious client, his kidnapped family, and the Replicant conspiracy hidden throughout Los Angeles! Fromwriter Michael Green (screenwriter for Blade Runner 2049) and Mike Johnson (Star Trek), and illustrated by Andres Guinaldo (Justice League Dark, Captain America)! Blade Runner 2019 – It’s a perfect blend of Blade Runner cinema magic and the pages of a comic book!
First, the story telling is awesome and writers Mike Johnson and Michael Green have found the right way to approach the Blade Runner franchise! Harrison Ford’s Dekker burns into our brain and this is not your father’s Blade Runner! Ash is everything you want in a Blade Runner…battered and bruised from being shot down in her spinner, with a broken arm. She embodies her movie predecessor!
Again, The rain is omnipresent in Blade Runner! The rain has to be a character in anything Blade Runner related. The comic would not be the same without frame upon frame of rain. When Tyrell’s troops arrive on a sunny island, they bring rain. And lots of it. The rain is a supporting character in Blade Runner!
The artwork is superb. Andres Guinaldo captures the cinema of Blade Runner as well as develops the script he was provided.
I could not fathom all the new playgrounds this concept now has unleashed.
Ash now has an unexpected sidekick. And this development may take her off world. And with that, a new chapter in the Blade Runner mythos will be unleashed!
Crickets are chirping as you need to check this out! if you are a fan of Science Fiction, and Pulp Noir, this is your comic!
I cannot wait for Ash to go off world. And I really want an explanation about her right eye. But in the mean time, she has totally replaced my paradigm of Harrison Ford being the one true Blade Runner. And that is saying a lot for this comic!