Review: Catwoman #27
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Ram V.
Artist: Fernando Blanco
Letters: Tom Napolitano
Colors: Eco Plascencia
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
“It’s a sin to covet another man’s kill.” – Father Valley.
Two things enter into this issue that make a reader take notice.
Fernando Blanco draws a “story board” heist that rivals an Ocean’s Eleven movie.
To see Selina orchestrating the take down of a drug lord… this comic reads like a movie. The pacing, the rhythm of the story, the frames…Ram V and Blanco orchestrates quite the movie within the pages.
Second – Father Valley! This “Stephen King” type villain/hit man hired by The Penguin in the aftermath of the Joker War rivals any new creation from DC since The Batman Who Laughs or Punchline. From quoting scripture to fit his needs to playing the part of a cat who is playing with his prey.
Though Selina is not aware of Father Valley yet, it is clear that Ram V is dripping this villain out and giving us an aura of mystique around him.
Positives 2.0
Ram V creates a comic hero/villain/”Robin Hood” that works and could work without the aid of the supernatural or super powers. An agile cat burglar who is taking down a drug kingpin to set herself up as queen of the streets. It works.
More importantly, she is a positive Fagin (Remember Oliver Twist) to these Alley Cat kids. Well, as positive as ripping off people can be, but it works as the entire environment is corrupt, so at least Selina has somewhat of a moral compass.
I’m not sure if Hollywood will invest in a solo Catwoman movie again. However, Ram V should write the script!
None here as the story works within the grittiness of the streets, the police work, the whole drug and underworld vibe. However, the meter is ticking on Selina and Bruce are on a “break”….in this timeline at least.
Ram V keeps delivering with a solid story line. I cannot say enough about his taking this book to a higher level. Every artist paints Selina in a very favorable light, but Ram V provides more than just a car chase here and a heist there! Selina has a lot of life in her run! Father Valley just needs a theme song every time we see him!