Reviews: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Jordie Bellaire and Jeremy Lambert
Art: Andres Genolet
Colors: Raul Angulo
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Reviewer: Tony Farina
Anya has been a key figure in Buffy’s life ever since she arrived in Sunnydale, but there’s more to the demon’s mission and mysterious past than anyone knows! It starts with her secret connection to the Watcher’s Council and… the first full appearance of the Slayer who came before Buffy? And the truth behind Anya connects Buffy(s) – yes, plural – in ways no one ever saw coming…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21 is fun. I like a good Anya story. What I like best is that Jordie is leaning into Anya still being a vengeance demon AND the Magic Box owner AND a Watcher?! What the hell? That is amazing. It makes perfect sense. Of course, she was run out for being “too emotional” about the Council’s decision to kill off a slayer who was “too old.” What an amazing commentary on how women are treated in this world and in the real world. Rarely, are men called “too old” for anything. When an athlete goes on past his expiration date, he is a “warrior” or “ageless” but when a woman does it, she is old. The double standard is there for all of us to see and Joride is showing us. Thanks Jordie. I am so glad you write this book.
Andres Genolet steps in as the artist for this book and boy, does he bring the goods. We are taken on a trip through time and so the little details matter. Anya is our main focus of this book we watch her change (or not) as the centuries and locations change. He does a great job of showing the passage of time while keeping her the same age. It is a tightrope. Immortality leaves scars, even though it doesn’t seem like it would.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21 is missing Buffy. While this story is really good, I always take points off when the star is missing. We have to suddenly care about someone else whom we’ve never met before. The cast is getting a bit too big. When the cast is too big, no one has a chance to shine. Focus is key.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21 is pretty good. What a wrinkle. I did not see that coming. I mean, I should have. We all should have. We know how it works. If a Slayer dies for just a second, the next one is activated. It happened on the show. It happened twice in this run. Duh. Who knew Anya was involved? I mean. Pretty awesome. Can’t wait for more.