Review: Grimm Fairy Tales #44
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Story By: Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, and Dave Francini
Written By: Dave Franchini
Art By: Vincente Cifuentes and Moy R.
Colors By: Jorge Cortes and Maxflan Araujo
Letters By: Tyler Esposito (Of Ghost Glyph Studios)
Review By: Kendra Hale
Grimm Fairy Tales #44 starts us down the storyline of the Dark Book and just what this tome is. It starts out strong. I was really looking forward to sinking into this series that focus’s on Sela’s daughter Skye. Let’s dive in!
Skye Mathers has learned that her mentor Shang is being held by an old guardian of the Nexus named Allexa. She tells Sam and Jasmine of the update. Before she can move on this information, with her comrades, Sam and Jasmine, three fairies arrive. They show just what danger the Dark Book contains. After seeing their memories, Skye is in almost a state of shock. Skye is not the only one who knows the secret of the book, however. They charge Skye with keeping those who seek to free the evil inside at bay…or else all is lost.
First off, let us give full props where they are due. These covers are jaw droppingly gorgeous. Brilliantly beautiful works of art. The story of the Dark Book’s creation is interesting and I love a good backstory. Zenescope is so good at knowing when to do the cliffhanger’s and how to keep their audiences attention. This is a really good example of how a plot filling issue works masterfully to move several stories along. I look forward to seeing what happens now that Skye is getting into the thick of her own enemies.
That “Children Of Fortune” could have been like ten more pages? Is that a good negative? To say I wanted a deeper story from these three fairies POV? I’m greedy, there’s my negative.
I love this series. Truly always look forward to just what is next. Dave Franchini is hitting my glee spots with the stories he is writing for Zenescope. I look forward to what comes next in Grimm Fairy Tales #45 “The Handless Maiden.”