Indie Comics Review: Spawn’s Universe #1
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Todd McFarlane
Artists: Todd McFarlane, Stephen Segovia, Jim Cheung, Marcio Takara, Brett Booth
Letters: Tom Orzechowski
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
A double-sized issue that begins a storyline so huge that three NEW SPAWN-related monthly titles will spill out from it, including…
A new SPAWN title. GUNSLINGER SPAWN monthly. And a new TEAM book bringing a handful of these characters together in their own book.
With this one-shot…the world of SPAWN changes forever! New heroes. New villains, and more importantly, new titles coming to a comic shop near you. Join this list of artists as we unveil a historic moment in the mythology of SPAWN’S UNIVERSE:
Let’s start with writing and format as Todd McFarlane has been promising some big news since issue #300 and has he ever delivered. It is not in my wheelhouse nor my responsibility to catch a reader up to all things Spawn since issue #1 circa 1992.
However, I have been a McFarlane fan since his run on Batman, Spiderman (famously introducing the world to Venom and that iconic webbing he draws) and this love story we call Spawn. Hard to believe it is a love story, but you owe yourself to go back and look at all the available issues you have at your disposal.
With the release of Spawn’s necroplasm to a multitude of entities (whether in multiverses or multiworlds) we get a boat load of Spawns…most notably a Gunslinger Spawn and a She-Spawn. But we also gain a few new villains in Sinn and Jericho. I won’t spoil anything with a synopsis of each “chapter” but the transitions between artists interpreting McFarlane’s script is awesome.
The black pages with the Spawn ensignia coupled with the next page providing the title of the new character arguably is cinematography at its finest. I was reminded of the Snyder Cut of Justice League immediately with these transitions.
Admittedly so, I was a bit scared that McFarlane was getting to be spread thin between toys, art and scripting for comics. However, the “Todd Father” quickly brushes away any doubt….especially with the intro of Sinn. He is firing on all cylinders in the script department!
Positives 2.0
Let’s talk about lettering and art! Each artist places their own flare on Spawn characters. Admittedly so, I am very partial to McFarlane and Greg Capullo putting in the time on anything Spawn. But this dream team of artists capture the pens, pencils and coloring that make a Spawn production a true piece of art in your hands!
Tom Orzechowski is an icon in lettering. His work on Spawn dialogue is truly classic and his attention to detail to allow you to see the story transitions is perfect. Within this issue is a LOT of work, and Orzechowski transitions the chapters perfectly. From Medieval Spawn to She-Spawn, we know that things are the same, but very very different!
Accolades for an Issue #1
When you purchase this issue, buy two! One for framing, and one to read. Since 1992, we have arguably been waiting for this universe to expand. Spawn is the longest independent comic ever in its run, and it took over 300 issues to get the foundation set for these new branches.
McFarlane takes his time in details and we all are the benefactors for it!
Keep scrolling. You have the seeds of heroes and villains before you and they have all fallen on fertile ground.
The beauty of having McFarlane at the helm of this book is that he knows every nuance. Take Cog’s story and that vial of necroplasm. Longtime fans will know that is key (or at least we think it is key) to Cog’s very existence. But as we see in his story, there are layers that we are not even aware of. That transition from Cog to Sinn’s existence…it’s the little things in drawing and writing that make you appreciate all that these creators have put into this particular #1 issue.
Buy this book and keep supporting the Spawn Universe! Here’s hoping that all of the issues in this timeline are as rich as this one is!