Indie Comics Review: The Silver Coin #5
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Image Comics
Written By: Michael Walsh
Art and Letters By: Michael Walsh and Gavin Fullerton
Colors By: Michael Walsh and Toni Marie Griffin
Created By: Chip Zdarsky, Michael Walsh, Ed Brisson, Jeff Lemire, and Kelly Thompson
Review by: Kendra Hale
The Silver Coin #5 is here finally, and while it is the final issue in this arc of the series there is more on the horizon. Image announced that The Silver Coin will become an ongoing series according to their site. This bodes well for fans of the series whose lust for the history and horror that follows the cursed coin may be sated. But for now, let us dive into the past, back to the beginning with a story by Michael Walsh titled “Covenant”.
Let It Bring You Horrors Unimaginable
The Silver Coin #5 takes us back in time to the days of the Puritans. A small village with a healer named Rebekah, trusted with births and with the healing of animals. She resides in a very recognizable cabin in the woods outside of the village. Rebekah’s methods however are not what one would expect from a Midwife or a Vet. But this doesn’t seem to trouble anyone else until a strange and ominous man makes his way into their village. He comes with questions and bribes of coins for those willing to give him “truthful” confessions about Rebekah Goode.
What happens when friends betrayal turns to rage and revenge? A curse is born… one that cries out to be feed in pain and terror, and cares not whether for meaningless words like innocent or guilty. It is eternal and thrives on the darkest nightmares.
Michael Walsh has given a triple threat to readers with The Silver Coin #5. He delivers a well written and composed story that hits all the right notes for a finale that also gives an origin. I admit to doing research because I caught the familiarity of Cotton Mather and Sarah Good during the Salem Trials as I watched this issue unfold. The art team of Michael, Gavin, and Toni mesh together to give this story a unique and captivating essence.
There is a moment when Rebekah realizes her friend Martha has betrayed her, the artwork stopped me. The pure seething rage that emanates from the panel is jaw dropping and deserves to be felt and acknowledged. What these creators have done with not only this origin issue but with The Silver Coin series so far has truly been exquisite in terms not only of story telling but in art that binds the words to form as well.
If there weren’t going to be any further issues then I would have a negative. However, that is not the case.
Learning the origin of the silver coin and what motivates the hunger and devastation that follows any who have the misfortune to come across its path was amazing. There are questions left about the coin but I look forward to seeing if the books to come will hold more information. Overall The Silver Coin #5 is a recommendation easily given and is a series I am anxious to have the trade of.
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