Review: Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #3
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Brandon Thomas
Art: Ronan Cliquet
Colors: Ulises Arreola
Letters: Josh Reed
Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
The mixed-up twosome of Oliver Curry and Arthur Queen get some answers as they learn some of the answers to the question: Who is Scorpio?
Much like the previous two issues, Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #3 leans heavily into Silver Age nostalgia. With this issue, however a couple new ideas pop up that give the series a different angle or a bit more substance. Back in #1, we were introduced to Scorpio a mysterious organization that had retrieved a dinosaur from the past. In this issue we not only get a bit more of the plot revealed, specifically how Arthur and Oliver have somehow been merged, but also a bit more on Scorpio. It can be no coincidence that Brandon Thomas has named this organization such as it conjures up a classic set of issue’s from the late ’60’s published by the Marvelous Competition. “Who is Scorpio?” was the title of the first issue of Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. by the inimitable, Jim Steranko. Steranko had been working on the feature in Strange Tales, but this was the first issue of a new ongoing by. It’s an historic and landmark issue as the first few pages are told with zero dialogue allowing Steranko to do all the heavy lifting with his storytelling. It’s been homaged a number of times in the ensuing years, most notably by Larry Hama’s story “Silent Interlude” from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #21.
This connection brings a different feel to the series as it suggests a more detective/espionage style direction. The Silver Age science is still present, but it adds a little something different. One can’t help but wonder if there will be some other connection. Does knowing Scorpio’s identity in the Nick Fury tale foreshadow a similar reveal for Aquaman or Green Arrow in coming issues?
Positives Cont’d
While this series has exploited the differences between Arthur and Oliver for fun and a few laughs, Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #3 manages to point out some of their similarities as well. It’s subtle but effective. They both have tempers and have reputations as hotheads. They are both intense and tenacious. They are also both loyal, and that comes into play in the plot of this issue. This issue demonstrates why this is a fun pairing of characters on multiple levels.
Ronan Cliquet channels these high running emotions on every page while also getting to give us a sci-fi setting by the end, showing his versatility. This issue has a lot of exposition so it’s great to have the action moments reflect the immediacy of its place in the story. Marco Santucci’s cover is at once atmospheric and dramatic as he chooses a difficult point-of-view to depict
As we get more information on the villain and the plot this issue, there’s a chance that our villain could be a bit of a classic two-dimensional cliche. If that turns out to be the case, it fits right in with the Silver Age nostalgia that this series is exuding. It may be a missed opportunity, but we’ll have to see.
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #3 loses none of the fun as it finds some deeper connections both in character and Silver Age nostalgia. Three issues in it’s clear that this book has a unique feel to it as it explores this timeline that has been altered by Scorpio. One wonders if that’s part of the effect, or simply that the creative team is working very hard at creating something singular.