Review: The Scorched #3
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Publisher: Image Comics
Writers: Sean Lewis, Todd McFarlane
Artist: Stephen Segovia
Letters: AndWorld Designs
Colors: Ulises Arreola
Reviewed by: Carl Bryan
The Scorched #3 – The third ALL-NEW issue of TODD McFARLANE’s superhero team book!
There’s a threat so big that no single hero can stop it, and the formation of this new super-group is the only thing standing in its way. Members will include SPAWN, REDEEMER, GUNSLINGER, MEDIEVAL SPAWN, and SHE-SPAWN, with many more heroes waiting in the wings!
The Scorched team is still on the ground in Russia, but now they are the hunted. Out of this, they may add to their ranks…if they can survive the battle that rages with Soul Crusher and Plague!
Sean Lewis continues to not only fill in the blanks of Spawn, King Spawn, and Gunslinger issues, but he also provides a seamless adventure that adds more characters than the other three books combined.
It makes sense as the Soul Crusher and Plague take center stage in this particular issue. We don’t get Haunt in this one, but he/they make a great appearance in Spawn #327.
This issue takes a different route as each team member is fashioning their roles. While Jessica has assumed a leadership role, we see Medieval Spawn being more of a Thor/Hulk member of the team. Gunslinger is albeit the Hawkeye/Wolverine smoldering type. While it is hard not to make comparisons with other teams, it is comforting to watch this team start to settle into definitive roles.
I especially like how Jessica will defer to her Spawn colleagues in particular mission endeavors. Lewis writes a great She-Spawn!
Positives 2.0
Stephen Segovia has the tempo of storytelling down pat! His framing to tell stories is really on point and his frames are bright when needed, and shadowed appropriately when things go dark in the story! Again, Todd McFarlane knows where to pass the baton in art on the Spawn books. Every artist is hitting the marks when it comes to the precedence that’s been set since issue #1.
No Al Simmons/Spawn in this book! And that is arguably a good thing. The Scorched has been initiated and while in the Spawn Universe, this book can handle the cast of characters on its own. It’s a great “sand” between the “rocks” of Spawn books, however, it is quickly becoming its own boulder! And that is a really really good thing!
The Scorched #3 – This issue rights the ship in a lot of ways. The roles are being settled and the cast is becoming richer. We are only beginning with The Scorched and I cannot wait to see all of the ingredients work!

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