Boom Studios Review: Firefly #25

by Tony Farina
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Boom Studios Review: Firefly #25

Firefly #25 DC Comics News[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

WriterGreg Pak

Artist: Pius Bak

Colorist: Marcelo Costa

Letterer: Jim Campbell

Reviewer: Tony Farina


New Characters! New Enemies! The BRAND NEW VERSE  starts here! For the FIRST TIME EVER, it’s the most-demanded Firefly story ever, as the series jumps forward in time after the battle with the Reavers that left Wash & Book dead. Mal and the new crew of Serenity set a course for the EARTH THAT WAS! That’s right, fans will see what’s happened to Earth for the first time in Firefly history – and that means all the rules are going out the window, in ways even Mal can’t imagine…
A Perfect Jumping-On Point For New Fans!

Firefly #25 DC Comics News


Greg Pak certainly knows how to write character. He knows how to make conversations jump off the page. He is funny. There are some genuinely touching moments in here between, surprisingly Zoe and Simon. He gave River something to do. There is a lot to like here. I am intrigued.

Artist Pius Bak and colorist Marcelo Costa take center stage here. I do enjoy what Bak is doing with these characters, Kaylee in particular. She is full of joy and wonder while also being in charge. Bak captures Kaylee’s personality in every single panel. It is so, so pretty. Costa’s colors, as always, pop. It is a great looking book.

Firefly #25 DC Comics NewsFirefly #25 DC Comics News


Firefly #25 is billed as a great place for new readers and fans of the original show to jump on. That is not exactly true. I don’t think anyone who hadn’t spent the past 2 years reading this would have a clue what was going on. I get it; not everything needs to be spoon fed to readers. However, there should be some truth in advertising. I fear this will quickly turn into a book that had the same problems as before.


Firefly #25 is a strange amalgamation of the story that was and the story that is. It has cracking dialogue but it doesn’t know what it is is yet. Stories set in the future can be fun because readers get to guess what happened. I am going to keep guessing and try to enjoy the ride without saying “This isn’t my ‘Verse” over and over.


3outof5 DC Comics News

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