G.I. Zombie will be reporting for duty on July 2nd in the pages of “Star Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie.”
this is sure to be a sellout hit, so Pre-order a copy at your local comic shop and tell’em Jimmy sent ya! http://www.comicshoplocator.com/
DC Comics News was fortunate enough to interview Jimmy Palmiotti writer and co-creator of the upcoming series “Star Spangled War Stories: G.I. Zombie “
DCN: Who is the creative team on the book?
JP: “On Covers its Darwyn Cooke, and Howard Porter. Writing, Justin Gray and myself, and the full art, pencils , inks and colors is the award winning Scott Hampton. On letters is the amazing Rob Leigh. Our editor is Joey Cavalieri, assistant editor is Kyle Andrukiewicz and out group editor is Matt Idelson.”
DCN: Will this be an ongoing series?
JP: “Yes, it is a monthly title and is even part of the September [“Five Years Later”] event.”
DCN: Has this character appeared previously in the DCU or is it a newly created character?
JP: G.I. Zombie is a brand new character created by us introduced into the DCU in this very first issue.
DCN: Can you give me an overview of what the series is about?
JP: “The series follows the G.I.Zombie character as he works with another soldier named Carmen King as they go undercover to undermine militia groups hiding out all over the United States trying to bring down the government. We follow them through America as they encounter some pretty weird stuff. It is also about our main character trying to appear to have a normal habit and his unusual eating habit’s and history. I think other than a totally out there story, fans of Walking Dead and War comics will be loving this series. Its sexy, scary and an all out action series. The artwork alone by Scott Hampton is worth the price of the book. We are all excited to get this out there to everyone as soon as possible.”
DCN: Will there be any other DCU characters crossing over into the book that we can look forward to?
JP: “I cannot talk about them yet, but yes, there will be.”
A history of “Star Spangled Comics”.
<Doctor 13 in the new 52 is a supernatural investigator and conspiracy theorist. What would he have to say about an undead soldier deployed within the borders of the United States?