Actor Tom Cavanagh has joined the cast of The Flash. The former “Ed” star has been cast as Harrison Wells, who is described to be a rock star in the world of physics. Hollywood Reporter describes the role:
The mind and money behind Central City’s S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator, he becomes a pariah after the lab’s explosion, but charts his path to redemption when he discovers that his failed experiment had the unintended consequence of creating the world’s fastest man.
The end of the casting process for the pilot episode is near. With one main role still open: Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper in the comics). The series will star Grant Gustin as the lead character Barry Allen/The Flash, Jesse L. Martin as Detective West; Candice Patton as Iris West; Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow; Rick Cosnett as Eddie Thawne and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon.
Source: Hollywood Reporter