Review: Deathstroke #25

by Steven Brown
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[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers!]

Writer: Priest

Pencils: Carlo Pagulayan



Deathstroke is on trial! Not by some high court, or even by the U.S. government, by the Society! After a refusal to join a meeting, Deathstroke is hunted and captured by the Society and it’s members–including it’s leader Vandal Savage! How can the world’s deadliest assassin escape?


Priest held nothing back in this book and Slade’s consequences of finally choosing good have come forward! Placed on trial by the Society, Slade is surrounded by Savage, Ultra-Humanite, Killer Frost, Hector Hammond, Reverse Flash, and Deadline! With the Riddler as his attorney, Deathstroke’s backstory is told through Riddler, with the ultimate question being–is Deathstroke still evil?


Negatives? Where? Certainly not in this issue! Priest gives us non stop action on virtually every page, while also giving us tense emotional moments in Slade’s history. Everything from his military recruitment, losing his son, to finally becoming a mercenary are all laid bare for everyone to see. Slade finally breaks free and when he does, the entire Society feels his wrath! Slade kills everyone minus Vandal Savage who’s still standing! Priest does this, however, with a rude twist to it, and I enjoyed being fooled I must admit!


Deathstroke #25 was hands down a classic issue in my opinion! I’ve never seen Slade take on some of the most powerful villains of the DCU and hold his own before! None of them, not even Reverse Flash or Ultra-Humanite could withstand Deathstroke! I was wondering when Slade’s role of playing the good guy would have dangerous consequences and Priest did a great job of showing it!


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