DC Comics has recently announced a new initiative titled DC Black Label which will include Scott Snyder’s stand alone Batman story called Batman: Last Knight On Earth. Snyder will once again work with long time collaborator Greg Capullo, who will be replacing Sean Murphy.
One of DC Comics’ biggest hits in the last few months has been Batman: White Knight, a stand-alone story from acclaimed creators Sean Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth, that takes a look at a version of the Caped Crusader where he may have gone too far in his crusade to rid Gotham City of its criminal elements. The series has been critically and commercially successful and it was proposed that Murphy would be getting set to work on the next big thing with Batman visionary Scott Snyder.
Things have changed though and it appears that Greg Capullo will be the one working alongside Snyder for the next big Batman tale. Snyder took to Twitter to address the recent change:
“This book is a project I’ve been planning for several years, something that’d need a new different format. Sean Murphy and I had talked about doing it together, but the truth is, we both felt any last Batman story should be done with brother Greg Capullo. [sic] And the fact is the amazing world Sean has created with [Batman: White Knight] is his, it felt right to keep his Batman singular. Sean is family to me, and I’m thrilled for him over the tremendous, well deserved success of Batman: White Knight. Wait til you see what he has coming…It’s amazing.”
“As for me and Greg, we’ve never had a chance to work outside the monthly grind, not in 7+ yrs together, and the Black Label format finally gives us the room to experiment creatively both with story and art to make something very different than anything we’ve done before. Something that encompasses Batman from early days to his end and brings in the DCu as it goes. Very excited. And thanks as always.”
It appears as though the change was an amicable one for all parties with no hard feelings anywhere to be found. For now, you will find Murphy focused on the success of White Knight. You can take a look at Sean Murphy’s take on what could’ve been on his Twitter profile:
“Batman: White Knight was an unplanned success that caught everyone off guard. It might have been a Black Label book if I have waited a year – but in a way it accidentally jumped the gun. Who knows, maybe it’ll be absorbed by Black Label. :)”
Image courtesy of cbr.com