Review: Basketful of Heads #4
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Joe Hill
Artist: Leomacs
Colors: Dave Stewart
Letters: Deron Bennett
Reviewer: Tony Farina
Basketful of Heads #4 starts on a road, in the rain on Brody Island. It is the same, horrible, terrible, very bad day that our hero, June Branch, has been having since the series started. She has been waylaid by a “helpful Christian” who hit her with a chain, she fights back. Of course, June uses the axe. Heads roll and roll and keep talking. There is yet another double cross.
Basketful of Heads #4 once again features some stunning, creepy, messed up (in a good way) artwork by Leomacs. The water is relentless in this book and he manages to make us (along with colorist Dave Stewart) to feel soaked by the end of every issue. This book is supposed to feel like an 80’s slasher film and Steward and Leomacs keep delivering. Even the creepy opening nightmare page is spot on. Check it out.
There is so much going on there is such a small space. Then, when we come back to reality, the contrast is so stark and perfect. See below.
Joe Hill’s story telling style also fits the genre. There is just enough exposition and just enough action. This is a convoluted story for sure and Hill has a lot of explaining to do, or does he? I like the air of mystery and I like the double crosses. Although, I think, at some point, June would learn.
June’s seeming inability to learn is really the only problem here. I supposed one can chalk it up to the fact that we are reading this series over the course of months and all of this is happening to June in a day. Still, at what point will she stop trusting random white dudes? So far, she is batting .000. June. Come on. Get it together woman. I know she is the “last girl” and all, but she doesn’t need to be so obtuse.
Overall, Basketful of Heads #4 is a good issue. It is not great, but it moves the story along. The artwork is stunning. Leomacs and Dave Stewart are a horror comics dream team (nightmare team?). I am constantly pulled in. The pacing of each issue is great. The way that Hill leaves us with a cliffhanger each time is inspired and smart. There is no way we can forget June and her blight as we wait with baited breath for 30 days.