Duke Harrington

Duke Harrington
A newspaper reporter since 2004, Duke Harrington currently writes for the Kennebunk Post and the South Portland Sentry. He lives in Western Maine with one wife, one dog, two cats, and 19,237 comic books.
AquamanAquamanBarry Allen (The Flash)BatmanBatmanCharactersComic Book NewsComicsCyborgCyborgDC ComicsGreen LanternsJessica CruzJustice League of AmericaJustice League/ Mighty Morphin Power RangersNewsSimon BazSuper PowersSupermanSupermanThe FlashWonder Woman
DC SALES: JLA titles for March (Joltin’ Losses Aplenty?)
Action ComicsAtomBatgirlBatmanBatmanBeast BoyBooksCatwomanCharactersComicsDarkseidDC Comic Book ReviewsDC ComicsDCN OpinionDeadmanDetective ComicsDoctor FateDonna TroyFirestormFury of FirestormGreen ArrowGreen LanternHal JordanHawkgirlHawkmanHuntressJonah HexJustice League of AmericaLegion of Super-HeroesLois LaneMadame XanaduNewsNightwingPower GirlReviewsShazamStarfireSuperboySuperboySupergirlSupermanSupermanSwamp ThingSwamp ThingTeen TitansThe FlashWally West (Kid Flash)Wonder GirlWonder WomanWonder WomanWorld's FinestZatanna
TIME BUBBLES: Wolfman and Perez draw first Blood, 35 years ago this month
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