Duke Harrington

Duke Harrington
A newspaper reporter since 2004, Duke Harrington currently writes for the Kennebunk Post and the South Portland Sentry. He lives in Western Maine with one wife, one dog, two cats, and 19,237 comic books.
Astro CityBatman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77Captain AtomClean RoomComicsDC ComicsDeadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden LoveDeathstrokeEarth 2: SocietyEverafter: From the Pages of FablesFrostbiteFuture QuestGotham Academy: Second SemesterGreen ArrowHal Jordan and the Green Lantern CorpsHanna-BarberaHarley QuinnHe-Man/ ThundercatsMidnighter and ApolloNewsOdyssey of the AmazonsScooby ApocalypseSuicide SquadSuper PowersTeen Titans GO!The Death of HawkmanThe FlintstonesThe HellblazerThe Lost BoysThe Wild StormTrinityUnfollowVertigo ComicsVigilante: SouthlandWildstorm
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