● Batwoman –All your news for Batwoman, Katherine “Kate” Kane, ally of Batman and former lover of Gotham PD’s Renee Montoya.
Action ComicsAll-Star BatmanAmanda WallerAquamanAtomBaneBatmanBatmanBatwingBatwomanBatwomanBlack CanaryCaptain BoomerangDamian WayneDC RebirthDeadshotGreen LanternsHal Jordan and the Green Lantern CorpsJustice League of AmericaLex LuthorLoboLois LaneMaxwell LordNewsRebirthSuicide SquadSuperboySupermanSupermanThe FlashTitansWally West (Kid Flash)Wonder Woman
Direct Currents #1 Gives Sneak Peek At DC’s Early 2017 Plans
by Derek McNeilby Derek McNeil -